Consider dental implant restoration if you’ve lost one (or more) permanent teeth. At The Brooklyn Dental Center, serving the Flatbush and Prospect Lefferts Gardens neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York, experienced general and cosmetic dentist Chinar Mahadkar, DDS, boasts years of experience performing dental implant restoration. Implants provide a sturdier and longer-lasting alternative to traditional dentures. Call The Brooklyn Dental Center to request a dental implant restoration appointment, or book your visit online.
Yes. At The Brooklyn Dental Center, Dr. Mahadkar has years of experience restoring smiles with dental implant restoration.
Dental implants are small metal posts inserted into your empty tooth sockets. They fuse with your bone and anchor restorations, like dental crowns, fixed bridges, or implant-retained dentures.
Dental implants function like your natural teeth. And, because they attach to anchored posts, they don’t shift or change position like dentures.
Dental implant restoration offers many benefits, including:
Dental implant restoration makes life more convenient. Dental implants are fixed, so you don’t have to remove or soak them like dentures.
You need healthy teeth and gums to undergo dental implant restoration. If you have gum disease or cavities, Dr. Mahadkar treats those issues first. After your mouth heals, she moves forward with treatment.
Dental implant restoration at The Brooklyn Dental Center takes multiple visits over several months.
Dr. Mahadkar completes an oral exam and takes dental X-rays, assessing the health of your gums, jaw, and alveolar (the bone that anchors your upper teeth). Then, she numbs your mouth and inserts the dental implants into your empty tooth sockets.
Following implant placement surgery, your mouth heals for several weeks or months while the posts fuse with your bone. After the integration process is complete, Dr. Mahadkar takes intraoral scans and shares them with a lab that manufactures your implant restorations.
When the lab completes your dental crowns, bridges, or implant-retained dentures, you return to The Brooklyn Dental Center. Dr. Mahadkar attaches the restoration (or restorations) to your implants and checks your bite.
Dental implant restorations often last a lifetime if you take good care of them. To keep your mouth healthy, Dr. Mahadkar recommends brushing your teeth daily, flossing regularly, and never biting down on hard objects like ice cubes or candy.
In addition, make sure to invest in routine preventive care, including oral exams, professional teeth cleaning, and X-rays.
Call The Brooklyn Dental Center today to schedule a dental implant restoration consultation, or book your appointment online.